How To Save Flowers From A Wedding

5 ways to save on your wedding flowers
5 ways to save on your wedding flowers from


A wedding is a special occasion, and the decorations and flowers at a wedding can often add a touch of beauty and elegance to the ceremony. However, after the wedding, the flowers and decorations can often end up being thrown away, taking away from the beauty of the special day. Fortunately, there are ways to save the flowers from a wedding and keep them for years to come. The following tips can help you to preserve the flowers from your wedding and enable you to enjoy them for a long time.

Preserve With Drying

One of the most popular ways to preserve the flowers from a wedding is by drying them. This method requires a few simple steps and can help you to preserve the flowers for many years. To use this method, you will need to hang the flowers upside down in a cool, dark place. You can use a clothesline or string to hang the flowers, ensuring that they are not touching each other. After a few weeks, the flowers should be completely dried and can then be placed in a frame or vase.

Preserve With Sprays

Another way to preserve the flowers from a wedding is with the help of a flower preserving spray. These sprays are available at most craft stores, and you can use them to coat the flowers and keep them from wilting. The spray is usually made from a mixture of glycerin and water, and it can help to keep the flowers looking as fresh as possible for a long period of time. After applying the spray, you should place the flowers in a frame or vase and then display them in a cool, dry place.

Preserve With Wax

A third way to preserve flowers from a wedding is to coat them in wax. This method requires a bit more effort than the other methods, but it can help to keep the flowers looking fresh and vibrant. To use this method, you will need to melt some paraffin wax and then dip the flowers in the wax. After they have been completely coated, you can allow them to cool and then place them in a frame or vase. This method can help to keep the flowers looking beautiful and vibrant for many years.

Preserve With Sand

Another way to preserve flowers from a wedding is to bury them in sand. This method requires a bit of effort, but it can help to keep the flowers looking beautiful for a long time. To use this method, you will need to buy a bag of silica sand from a craft store and then bury the flowers in the sand. Once the flowers are completely covered, you can then place them in a frame or vase and keep them in a cool, dry place.

Preserve With Paper

The last way to preserve flowers from a wedding is to press them in between the pages of a book. This method is relatively simple and can help to keep the flowers looking beautiful for many years. To use this method, you will need to place the flowers between two pieces of paper and then place them in between the pages of a book. Make sure that the book is kept in a cool, dry place, and the flowers should be preserved for a long time.


Preserving the flowers from a wedding can be a great way to remember the special day for years to come. There are several methods that can be used to preserve the flowers, including drying them, coating them in wax, burying them in sand, and pressing them in a book. With these tips, you can save the flowers from your wedding and enjoy them for a long time.

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